Plot of the Swedish fatalities per 100000 among people aged 64 or less in the years 2016 - 2022

The heigth of the rectangle corresponds to 15 fatalities per 100000

Brown - 2016

Blue - 2017

Yellow - 2018 There is a somewhat increased mortality in weeks 5-12. Obviously due to the flu raging in 2018

Red - 2019

Green - 2020. This is the first "Covid year"! There is a somewhat increased mortality in weeks 13-16. Not higher then in the beginning of 2016, though

Black - 2021. This is the second "Covid year"! Nothing in particular!

White - 2022

Table of the Swedish fatalities among inhabitans aged 64 or less in the years 2016 - 2022

Weeks 1-4 874 794 777 801 743 758 748
Weeks 5-8 847 778 784 775 731 728 767
Weeks 9-12 816 783 865 687 747 734 679
Weeks 13-16 811 768 742 698 902 750 630
Weeks 17-20 749 764 747 658 788 771 686
Weeks 21-24 739 756 664 681 738 677 624
Weeks 25-28 760 732 713 668 726 718 711
Weeks 29-32 749 736 736 671 687 677 663
Weeks 33-36 764 721 684 635 701 684 612
Weeks 37-40 749 762 709 704 624 695 0
Weeks 41-44 757 780 761 725 640 632 0
Weeks 45-48 710 739 710 704 699 676 0
Weeks 49-52 748 730 768 707 714 719 0

Number of inhabitants in Sweden aged 64 or less at start of year

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
7903790 8018296 8114096 8194474 8262222 8291209 8333560

Neither from Covid nor from the Covid "vaccinations" are there any observable effects