Plot of the Swedish fatalities per 100000 among people aged beteen 65 and 79 in the years 2016 - 2022

The heigth of the rectangle corresponds to 250 fatalities per 100000

Brown - 2016

Blue - 2017

Yellow - 2018 There is a somewhat increased mortality in weeks 5-12. Obviously due to the flu raging in 2018

Red - 2019

Green - 2020. This is the first "Covid year"! There is a somewhat increased mortality in weeks 13-20 and to a less extent at the end of the year

Black - 2021. This is the second "Covid year"! No increased mortality

White - 2022

Table of the Swedish fatalities among inhabitans aged between 65 and 79 in the years 2016 - 2022

Weeks 1-4 2140 2212 2138 2117 2064 2500 2254
Weeks 5-8 2067 2077 2296 2105 2041 2184 2211
Weeks 9-12 2134 2024 2358 2042 2055 2153 2180
Weeks 13-16 1985 1963 2095 1940 2707 2148 1945
Weeks 17-20 1864 1894 1919 1872 2473 2047 1924
Weeks 21-24 1745 1881 1742 1801 2082 1904 1849
Weeks 25-28 1825 1826 1893 1860 1846 1865 1911
Weeks 29-32 1816 1748 1961 1841 1840 1848 1961
Weeks 33-36 1819 1853 1809 1783 1791 1850 1944
Weeks 37-40 1813 1884 1863 1899 1912 1989 0
Weeks 41-44 1876 1943 2003 1948 1906 2009 0
Weeks 45-48 2014 1994 1900 1921 2183 1996 0
Weeks 49-52 2146 2041 1996 1972 2518 2175 0

Number of inhabitants in Sweden aged between 65 and 79 at start of year

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1445577 1469963 1493476 1513578 1529061 1544366 1559132

There was some increased mortality between week 13 and week 20 in 2020 and then again towards the end of 2020 and beginning 2021